Our Saint Petersburg, FL veterinary hospital pharmacy has a wide array of pharmaceutical items, supplies and medicines at reasonable prices which can be dispensed at the time of your pet’s visit for added convenience. Our clients find additional confidence in knowing that medications are being dispensed by the health professionals most familiar with their pet’s health.
Online Pet Pharmacies may be tempting and advertise that they are less expensive and more convenient, but be careful. The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine has new literature out about online pet pharmacies called Be A.W.A.R.E. Your pet’s health is our priority and this information will help you be safe ordering medications online. If you get your medications online, or are planning to, please contact us and we can answer any questions and help you determine if you really are getting a good deal.
Lincourt Compounding Pharmacy provides our patients with prescriptions in special flavors and formulations for pets that are difficult to medicate or need a unique dosage or medication.